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GENESIS | 31:20 dark — GEN1337 … throughout Genesis, J and E do not use ...

GEN1337 … throughout Genesis, J and E do not use the same terminology to describe deception and lying. In the final scene of the Jacob/Laban deceptions, Rachel steals (ganav) her father’s idols and then E states [this verse]: “And Laban deceived (ganav lev) Laban the Aramean, in that he did not tell him that he intended to flee” using the unique terminology for deception, ganav lev (literally: “stole the heart”). This terminology is used again in [Genesis] 31:26 – 27 to describe Laban’s outrage at the deceptions … What emerges from E’s account is that Jacob is not seen as a deceiver, but rather as an instrument for carrying out divine retribution for deception by Laban. Similarly, in Exodus 1:15-21, (an E text) Shifra and Puah are directed in their deception of Pharaoh by their “fear” of God. Even Rachel’s stealing of her father’s idols in Genesis 31:19 [author cites Genesis 31:27] appears to be directed by divine intentions.


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