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GENESIS | 30:1 envious — GEN1311 Knowing oneself means being self-aware in...

GEN1311 Knowing oneself means being self-aware in a balanced way, and neither focusing only on your strengths (the course of arrogance) or only on your weaknesses (the source of low self-esteem).   In truth, strengths and weaknesses coexist in all of us … To encourage its readers to understand human nature and themselves, the Bible goes out of its way to note flaws even in its greatest figures.   Thus, although the Matriarch Rachel has entered Jewish consciousness as the epitome of a loving mother Jeremiah 31:15, she also had some less attractive features [this verse].   Knowing of Rachel’s envy should make us aware that we must not deny our faults (as the Bible does not deny those of Rachel), but recognize and work on them, and always be aware of how those negative qualities may influence what we do. TELVOL1 57-8  [Regarding Leah’s envy, see 30:15 TELVOL1: 300]


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