257 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Vayeitzei (Genesis 28:10-32:3), Source Book Keys, DUTIES GENESIS | 28:20 bread — GEN1273 The Wise One [King Solomon] warned us aga... GEN1273 The Wise One [King Solomon] warned us against excessive drive and effort to gain wealth, as it is written: “Do not toil to get wealth; of your own understanding, desist” and described the ill inherent in it: “Before you can set your eyes on it, it is gone” Proverbs 23:4-5. The other Wise One [King David] guided and encouraged us to work only for one’s basic sustenance, what is sufficient for one’s needs, saying: “You will eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you will be happy and it will be well with you.” Psalms 128:2. The pious man also asked God to grant him an adequate livelihood but to withhold from him wealth, which leads to luxuries, and poverty, which lead to the corruption of morality and religion. As he said, “Two things I ask of You … Give me neither poverty nor riches, but provide me with my daily bread; lest I be full and deny [You] and say, ‘Who is God?’ or lest I be poor and steal …” Proverbs 30:7-9. Similarly, we find that our patriarch Ya’akov, peace be upon him, asked God to provide only his needs: [this verse]. DUTIES 707 Share Print Source KeyDUTIESVerse28:20Keyword(s)breadSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 28:20 bread — GEN1272 Jacob, like his grandfather Abraham and s... Previous Article GENESIS | 28:20 bread — GEN1274 Wherever we habitually run up against dif... Next Article