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GENESIS | 26:18 dug — GEN1224 Honest toil and endeavor are certainly hi...

GEN1224 Honest toil and endeavor are certainly highly commendable and praiseworthy traits. Thus, in regard to the wells of Abraham which Isaac dug up again, after the Philistine had stopped them up upon Abraham’s death [this verse], the Sages observe, “How great are the righteous, for they contribute to the social welfare.” Midrash haChefez.   Elsewhere, the Sages remark, “Great is labor, for it brings honor to those who engage in it. Talmud, Nedarim 52b, See also Avos 1:10.   Elsewhere, the Sages remark, “Flay a carcass in the marketplace and accept payment, and do not say “I am a Kohen, I am a great scholar, and this [activity] is hateful to me.” Talmud, Pesachim 113a; Cf. Rambam, Mishneh Torah, end Hilchos Matnos Aniyaim 10:19, and Hilchos Zechiyah u’Mattanah 12:16.  Nevertheless, the Torah Jew will always bear in mind that constructive, honest labor – commendable though it is – is never to be regarded as an end to itself, but rather as a means to the ultimate goal of fulfilling the Divine will. Thus, the individual who toils to provide sustenance for his family and himself, will be sure to provide ample time in his daily schedule for Torah study, for chesed, and for mitzvah performance. He will never lose sight of his obligations to God and to his fellows-man. His quest for material wealth will not be for the sake of acquisition itself, bur rather as an instrument which will enable him to further his aspirations to attain spiritual goals. FENDEL 212-4


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