159 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Chayei Sarah (Genesis 23:1-25:18), Source Book Keys, PLYN GENESIS | 24:20 quickly — GEN1184 Every ordinary act of kindness can be exa... GEN1184 Every ordinary act of kindness can be exalted. … Rabbi Isaac Sher commented that even a seemingly minor action such as giving someone water, can be spiritually elevated when prompted by the proper motivation. When Rivkah gave water to Eliezer and his camels, she did it with a love for chesed which was manifest in her speed. For this deed she was deemed worthy of becoming the mother of the Jewish People. Rabbi Sher encouraged people to elevate the level of their chesed. Most people perform many acts of kindness daily by mere habit. If we were to consider these seemingly insignificant acts not as automatic behavior responses, but rather as opportunities to do the will of God, we would succeed in transforming the mundane into the sublime. (Leket Sichos Mussar, pp. 338-40). PLYN 92 Share Print Source KeyPLYNVerse24:20Keyword(s)quicklySource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 24:20 drew — GEN1183 The rabbis pointed to God’s kind to anima... Previous Article GENESIS | 24:24 replied — GEN1185 Seven things are [typical] in a clod, ... Next Article