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GENESIS | 24:18 camels — GEN1180 Although animals have priority when it co...

GEN1180 Although animals have priority when it comes to eating, human beings come first when it comes to drinking.  As the Sefer Chasidim (13th century) rules: “If both a man and an animal are thirsty, you should quench the man’s thirst before giving water to the animal, and so it says, [this verse and Genesis 24:46]. We also read that Moses was told [by God]: “Provide drink for the community and their beasts” Numbers 20:8; first the community and only then the beasts.   But when it comes to eating, animals take precedence … and so we read: “I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and [then] you shall eat your fill” Deuteronomy 11:15.   The Sefer Chasidim likewise notes that when Eliezer arrived at Rebecca’s home, his animals were given straw, and only then was food set before him Genesis 24:32; paragraph 531.   TELVOL 1:312


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