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GENESIS | 24:1 blessed — GEN1159 Hoary age is a crown of glory … Pirkei...

GEN1159 Hoary age is a crown of glory … Pirkei Avot VI:8   R. Abbahu taught: It was asked of Solomon, “Who is slated for life in the world-to-come?” Said he, “whoever has honor before him in his old age” – in keeping with the last verse in our text.   Thus it is clearly a fine thing for the righteous to achieve old age with honor. And the Sages teach: Wherever you find elders, the Omnipresent Sovereign bestows honor on them. Talmud Baba Bathra 10b; Midrash Sifre, Numbers §92 As to hoary old age, Scripture tells, “Abraham was old, well advanced in age” [this verse] and earlier, the Almighty promised him, “you shall be buried at a good hoary age.” Genesis 15:15. SINAI3 377


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