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GENESIS | 23:6 elect — GEN1151 The biblical exemplar of Kiddush Hashe...

GEN1151 The biblical exemplar of Kiddush Hashem is Abraham, the first Jews, who made so positive an impression on his non-Hebrew neighbors that they said of him [You are a prince of God in our midst”].   There are two activities in particular that Jewish tradition associates with Abraham: teaching people about God’s existence and practicing hospitality.   Both are cornerstones of the mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem. … For Maimonides Book of the Commandments, Positive Command #3, Abraham’s behavior should serve as a model for his future descendants … indeed, when people speak of Jews as the Chosen People, this is the task for which Jewish tradition understands them to have been chosen: to make known to humankind that there is One God, Whose primary demand of human beings is ethical behavior.   Carrying out this mission is the ultimate act of Kiddush Hashem.   TELVOL 1:458-9


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