225 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24), Source Book Keys, ISAACS GENESIS | 21:33 tamarisk — GEN1122 In a beautiful legend [Midrash Psalms 37]... GEN1122 In a beautiful legend [Midrash Psalms 37] related to Abraham, we are again reminded of the virtues of hospitality. In [this verse], Abraham plants an eishel (tamarisk tree) in Beer Sheba, and there he calls on the name of Eternal everlasting God. The rabbis interpreted the Hebrew word eishel as an acronym, represented eating, drinking, and escorting, thus suggesting that the virtue of hospitality is analogous to a fruit-bearing tree, for by means of hospitality, Abraham planted a tree for himself in heaven that would produce for him fruits of reward. ISAACS 96 Share Print Source KeyISAACSVerse21:33Keyword(s)tamariskSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 21:33 tamarisk — GEN1121 A great quality is the quality of wealth.... Previous Article GENESIS | 21:33 tamarisk — GEN1123 Rab and Samuel differ as to what this was... Next Article