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GENESIS | 21:11 offspring — GEN1110 A good son’s value is indicated in the Ta...

GEN1110 A good son’s value is indicated in the Talmud: “It is written, Hadad heard in Egypt that David was a rest with his fathers and that Joab … was dead.”   Why is David described as laid to rest, but Joab as dead? … Because David left behind a son like himself, he is called lying at rest; Joab, who did not leave a son like himself, is called dead.” I Kings 11:21. Talmud, Baba Batrha 116a. Similarly, Abraham had Ishmael and other sons from other wives; yet the Almighty promised him, ‘through Isaac shall progeny be called yours.” [this verse] Only Isaac, then Jacob and his descendants, are truly the “children of Abraham,” for in Isaac Abraham’s faith lived on. Hence in a very real sense Abraham, like David, did not die but only came to rest. Their spiritual achievements, the essence of heir lives, lived on.  SINAI3 377


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