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GENESIS | 20:17 prayed — GEN1104 There are different types of hatred. One ...

GEN1104 There are different types of hatred. One may hate his neighbor for causing him a monetary loss, striking him, shaming him, or giving him a bad name and the like. For all these and the like one must not hate his friend in silence, as stated in respect to the wicked (I Shemuel 13:22): "And Avshalom did not speak with Amnon either good or evil, for Avshlom hated Amnon," but it is a mitzvah to inform him and to say to him: "Why did you do this and this to me? as it is written [this verse]: "You shall surely reprove your friend." And if ... If [your friend] asks for forgiveness, he must be forgiven; and the one who forgives must not be hard-hearted, as it is written [this verse].   “And Avraham prayed to God” [on behalf of Avimelech]. Baba Kama 92a.  And even if the offender does not ask to be forgiven, he should not be hated but handled with love, so that in the end the injury will be righted.   TZADIK 133-5


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