171 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24), Source Book Keys, DORFFDRAG GENESIS | 20:17 prayed — GEN1101 Our tradition … knows quite well that som... GEN1101 Our tradition … knows quite well that sometimes human beings wrong others, and it goes to great lengths to specify what justice demands in such circumstances. But it also prescribes that we not only accept evidence of remorse in other individuals and groups but actively seek to achieve a world of peace. “If a person has been injured, then even if the wrongdoer has not asked his forgiveness, the injured part must nevertheless ask God to show the wrongdoer compassion, even as Abraham prayed to God for Avimelech [this verse] and Job prayed for his friends. Rabban Gamliel said: Let this be a sign to you that whenever you are compassionate, the Compassionate One will have compassion upon you.” T. Bava Kamma 9:29-30 DORFFDRAG 211 Share Print Source KeyDORFFDRAGVerse20:17Keyword(s)prayedSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 20:17 prayed — GEN1098 (Continued from [[EXOD1039]] Exodus 34:7 ... Previous Article GENESIS | 20:17 prayed — GEN1103 Shall we forgive [the Catholic Church for... Next Article