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GENESIS | 20:7 intercede — GEN1081 After we have requested forgiveness, we s...

GEN1081 After we have requested forgiveness, we should ask the person whom we hurt to pray to God on our behalf.   This advice is based on three biblical episodes.   [This verse].  Later, when Miriam and Aaron sinned against Moses, and Miriam was punished (it seems that she was the primary offender), Aaron asked Moses to pray for her; after Moses did so, she was soon healed of leprosy Numbers 12:11-13.   Finally, Job’s friends slandered him by insisting that all his sufferings (the death of his ten children, he sickness, and the loss of his wealth) were God’s punishment for evil he had done.  At the end of the book, God reproved the friends for having spoken so cruelly, then instructed them to pacify Job: “Let Job, my servant, pray for you, for to him I will show favor and not treat you vilely” Job 42:8.   TELVOL1:165  


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