159 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24), Source Book Keys, DUTIES GENESIS | 19:9 alien — GEN1070 In how many ways should a person hold him... GEN1070 In how many ways should a person hold himself to an accounting before God? I say that there are a multitude of ways in which to make such an accounting. Of these, I will point out thirty. They can clarify to a person what he owes God, if he will bring them to mind and undertake to reflect on them and remember them always. Contemplating man's plight as a stranger in this world. … 30. To complete the thirty ways: A person should make an accounting with himself of the conditions incumbent upon a stranger in this world and should regard his position in it as similar to that of a stranger arriving in a foreign land. [The stranger] knows no one in the city that he has come to, nor does anyone know him. The ruler of the city, however, pities him in his plight as a stranger and teaches him how to rectify his situation there. He provides him with daily bread and commands him not to disobey his word or violate his command. He promises him reward and threatens him with punishment, as befits the time and the place. He warns him that one day he will have to leave, but does not tell him when. Among the conditions incumbent upon [the stranger] are humility and lowliness, surrender of pride, and renunciation of arrogance and haughtiness. As it says of [the stranger’s] situation: “This one came to reside as a stranger, and now he would be a judge!” (Bereshis 19:9). Further, [conditions] are that he be ready to move on and relocate, and not feel settled and secure. As it says, “The land cannot be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for to Me you are strangers and temporary residents” (Vayikra 25:23). Further is [that condition] that he study the laws and statutes of the land and the duties he owes the king. As David, peace be upon him, said: “I am a stranger in the land; do not hide Your commandments from me” (Tehillim 119:19). Further [conditions incumbent upon a stranger] are that he love other strangers like himself, help them, and assist them, as it is written: “You must love the stranger” (Devarim 10:19); “The stranger who resides among you must be to you as the native born among you, and you shall love him like yourself” (Vayikra 19:34). Share Print Source KeyDUTIESVerse19:9Keyword(s)alienSource Page(s)765-7 Switch article GENESIS | 19:8 shelter — GEN1069 Sympathy and tenderness are by the saint ... Previous Article GENESIS | 19:19 gracious — GEN1071 See [[GEN1039]] Genesis 18:25 justly SPER... Next Article