166 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24), Source Book Keys, PLYN GENESIS | 18:33 finished — GEN1061 We should not interrupt people when they ... GEN1061 We should not interrupt people when they are speaking. Avraham asked God to spare the inhabitants of Sodom for the sake of the righteous people in the midst of the city (verses 23-32). The Creator knew that Sodom was devoid of righteous people; nevertheless, He allowed Avraham to finish speaking. From here we can learn the importance of allowing people to finish speaking without interrupting them. Pirke Avos 5:7 and Avos D’Reb Noson 37:12. PLYN 77 Share Print Source KeyPLYNVerse18:33Keyword(s)finishedSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 18:33 departed — GEN1059 Never leave on trip unannounced: Announci... Previous Article GENESIS | 18:33 finished — GEN1060 It was taught: “One should never take lea... Next Article