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GENESIS | 18:32 ten — GEN1055 [I]f we are to oppose genocide as Jews...

GEN1055 [I]f we are to oppose genocide as Jews, then surely we need to be able to say that the biblical genocides should have been opposed.   Or we at least need to say that we now recognize their wrongness, even if that involves arguing with God.   But we have precedents for arguing with God.   Abraham argued against God’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, though he stopped short of a flat-out condemnation of what God was doing.  His last question was [this verse].  Surely he should have kept going—what if there were five, or even one?   And since this was an argument only about adults, Abraham should also have insisted that all the children in the two cities were innocent—like the 120,000 children of Ninevah, “who do not yet know their right hand from their left,” for whose sake God spared the city, against the wishes of the prophet Jonah (Jonah 4:11).  DORWAR 60


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