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GENESIS | 18:27 dust — GEN1046 “Rava expounded: What is the meaning of t...

GEN1046 “Rava expounded: What is the meaning of the verse, Song of Songs 7:2, How beautiful are thy feet in sandals, O’daughter of the generous one?"  How beautiful are the feet of the Israelites when they make the pilgrimage to the Bais HaMikdash [Temple -- AJL]. O’daughter of the generous one – O’daughter of Avraham Avinu ["Abraham, our father" -- AJL], who was called “the generous one” … for he was the first of all proselytes.” Talmud, Chagigah 3a. Rashi comments that the term “generous one,” is an appropriate reference to Avrahm Avinu because “He was propelled by his generous heart towards a recognition of his Creator.” This is an intriguing statement. Here, again, the Talmud makes us aware of the existence of a distinct correlation between the middos [character traits – AJL] of an individual and his ability to recognize the existence of the Creator. It was Avraham’s ability to give of himself unstintingly, coupled with his great humility, which enabled him to totally negate his own will and his own desires, making them subservient to the will of his Creator. Avraham Avinu was unencumbered by pride and egotistical haughtiness. He was, instead, the very personification of kindness, generosity, compassion, and humility, as manifested throughout the Torah narrative concerning Avraham and the Malachim [angels -- AJL] [Genesis, Chap. 18], as well as in Avraham’s remarkable, self-effacing prayer for Sodom, in which he likened himself to “dust and ashes.” [this verse]. Consequently, Avraham harbored no hidden reluctance to accept the intellectual truth concerning the existence of a Creator.   FENDEL 247


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