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GENESIS | 18:26 sake — GEN1043 Once the evil instinct began to thrive, a...

GEN1043 Once the evil instinct began to thrive, as we have described, among most adherents to the Torah, they had to counter it with the special abstinence defined at the beginning of this chapter [in summary, “the regimen prescribed by the Torah and the intellect for the welfare of our souls in the next world” - AJL].   Employing it, they could stand up to the instinct, until [abstinence] restored them to the right path of the Torah, which is essential to the religion and to the world.   Hence, it became necessary that there be, among the adherents to the Torah, select individuals who would be the bearers of this special abstinence and assume its conditions.   Their [example of] abstinence would then assist the adherents to the Torah when their hearts and traits inclined to low desires under the influence of the instinct.  They would serve as physicians of religion and of the souls, healing them when they strayed from honorable traits to those that lead to shame, when their evil instincts overcame their minds, and when worldly excesses distracted them from the things vital to their faith. … They [function] in the world like the sun, which spreads its light throughout the universe, above and below; it illumines the stars and [celestial] bodies, those above it as well as those below it.   So [it is with] these select individuals whom I have portrayed for you: in this world, as it says [“I will spare the whole place for their sake” (this verse].   “Had not Moshe, His chosen one, stood in the breach before Him to turn away His anger from destroying” Psalms 106:23; and in the next world, as it says: “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life” Proverbs 11:30.  Thus Devorah said, “But those who love God will be like the sun going forth in its strength” Judges 5:31.  You will find that such abstinence was practiced by the prophets, peace be upon them, and by the pious among our predecessors in every generation …   DUTIES 795-799


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