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GENESIS | 18:21 reached — GEN1009 The repentant has been exhorted to examin...

GEN1009 The repentant has been exhorted to examine his ways, and [to know] the number of sins and transgressions he has [committed]. (See the First Gate, paragraph 36 (the eleventh principle of repentance)). Upon completion of his examination, he has [further] been exorted to investigate the severity of every single sin, as the pasuk [this verse] says Eichah 3:40, “Let us examine our ways and analyze [them].”   He must become aware of the seriousness of the offense for each sin, since the severity of some offences reaches the very heavens [E.g., this verse and Yonah 1:2 (Sha'arei Teshuvah Hameforash), and one evil may equal many grave sins (e.g. the sin of lashon hara) [evil speech] see paragraph 201.   The quality of one's repentance is commensurate with the scale of his self-analysis, for in accordance with his awareness of the magnitude and severity of the sin, he will be distressed. "Perhaps, then, their uncircumcised heart (See the Second Gate, note 8) will be humbled, and they will gain appeasement for their transgression [this verse]. GATES 159


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