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GENESIS | 18:20 outrage — GEN1005 Failure to aid the poor is a most serious...

GEN1005 Failure to aid the poor is a most serious crime.   Rabainu Yonah noted: “We find concerning the sin of Sodom, that although they sinned with many perverse acts such as robbery, violence, miscarriage of justice and illicit relations, Scripture attributes their annihilation to their failure to practice charity, as it is stated, ‘Behold, this was the transgression of your sister Sodom: pride …neither did she uphold the poor and the needy’ Ezekiel 16:49.”  Rabbi Simcha Zissel Ziv explained why this is so. We are obligated to emulate the ways of God. We must bestow kindness upon others, just as He bestows kindness upon the entire world. If someone lacks the desire to emulate God, it shows a lack of appreciation of God’s divine providence. For if a person is sincerely aware of God’s goodness to him, he too will bestow kindness upon others.   Therefore, the failure to perform acts of chesed is not merely one specific fault; it implies a denial of God. Chochma Umussar, vol. 1, p. 32).  PLYN 75


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