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GENESIS | 18:19 just — GEN987 We have never seen nor heard of an Israeli...

GEN987 We have never seen nor heard of an Israelite community that does not have an alms fund … It is our duty to be more careful in the performance of the commandment of almsgiving than in that of any other positive commandment, for almsgiving is the mark of the righteous man who is of the seed of our father Abraham, as it is said, “For I have known him, to the end that he may command his children,” etc. “to do righteousness” [this verse]. The throne of Israel cannot be established, nor true faith made to stand up, except through charity, as it is said, “In righteousness shall you be established” Isaiah 54:14; nor will Israel be redeemed, except through the practice of charity, as it is said “Zion shall be redeemed with justice, and they that return of her with righteousness” Isaiah 1:27. HTBAJ 233


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