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GENESIS | 18:19 instruct — GEN978 The Rambam [Maimonides] [observes] that he...

GEN978 The Rambam [Maimonides] [observes] that he who pursues this [middle] path in life, is following in the footsteps of Avraham Avinu, and that this is the derech Hashem -- “the path of the Almighty.” “Because the Creator is called by these names, and they represent the middle path which we are commanded to pursue, therefore is this path known as the ‘Path of God.'” And it is this path which Avraham Avinu instructed his children to pursue, as it says [this verse], For I have known him [lovingly] [Rashi], that he might instruct his children and his household after him to follow the path of God. And he who pursues this path brings goodness and blessing upon himself, as it says [this verse] That God might bring upon Avraham that which He had said concerning him. [Rambam, Mishneh Torah, Hilchos De’os 1:7]  This mitzvah is not only meant to be interpreted in an abstract, conceptual sense. It must be accompanied also by practical application.   In his Sefer haMitzvos, therefore, Maimonides concludes with the observation that this concept of emulating the Creator must be applied to His deeds, as well as to His attributes. [See also Talmud, Sotah 14a and Rashi, Deuteronomy 11:22]. FENDEL 8


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