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GENESIS | 18:19 instruct — GEN974 Judaism’s greatest blessing for a person i...

GEN974 Judaism’s greatest blessing for a person is a family that follows in his or her footsteps.  One of the blessings in the morning prayers with which we beseech God is that Torah should be sweet not only in our mouths, but in the mouths of our children, grandchildren, and all those that are born from our family.   Taanit 5b. Thus, the continuity of Judaism through family is paramount in Judaism.  Although he did not succeed in achieving the perfect, united family, Abraham understood its importance, and God recognized Abraham’s greatness for understanding its significance (more important than all the other things he did in his life).   [This verse]. Specifically, when God wanted to destroy the city of Sodom, the Almighty said I cannot hide my plans from Abraham, not because he is righteous or has withstood my tests, but because he will instruct his children after him to uphold the commandments of God.   AMEMEI 71  


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