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GENESIS | 18:19 charity — GEN963 We shall return to the subject of gimil...

GEN963 We shall return to the subject of gimiluth chesed, acts of benevolence.   … Suppose two people were to approach you and offer you an opportunity to invest in real estate.   Both assured you that the value of the property would appreciate considerably in the course of time.   Both enjoyed the widest reputation as bona-fide dealers, and as most competent experts in the real estate business.   You, yourself, trust implicitly that not a single word they have told you will prove false.  An independent dealer, the foremost of all the experts in the field, in the meantime, has also praised the offer very highly.   Would you not rush post haste after this investment and close the deal, even though you would have to give a very considerable amount as a down payment?   … You would rejoice that God had granted you the opportunity to rise higher, to enjoy a reputation comparable to the risk.  My friend, as for pursuing after chesed with all your might, two of the world’s most renowned persons, reliable, and expert in every type of wisdom – our forefather Abraham and King Solomon – have lavishly praised this occupation.   They have disclosed that the highest pinnacle of success is achieved through such activity. Abraham, our forefather, of blessed memory, was first.  He strove with all his might to do chesed. He benefitted men spiritually, by teaching them to know Hashem, and physically, by serving them food and drink, by bringing them into his home and by treating them with respect and deference.   He even planted a tree for their comfort.   All these acts emanated from the goodness and kindness in his character.  He also enjoined his children to continue along the same lines. He assured them of success in their efforts. And in this way, all the blessings with which God had blessed him would be passed on to them. As for King Solomon, of blessed memory, he asserted that whoever pursued charity and chesed would find life, righteousness and honor.  (If only sporadic rather than constant preoccupation with this mitzvah is required, then the word “pursue” would be inappropriate).   Furthermore the Great Guide, the Supreme Head of all, the Holy One, blessed be He, has given His approval to this activity. He said [this verse].  From this verse the Gemara Yevamoth 79a deduces that the same results will be achieved by the person engaging in gemiluth chesed, since both charity and chesed have this in common, the doing of good to others.   What more need we say on the subject?   AHAVCH 137-8


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