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GENESIS | 18:8 stood — GEN932 Once R. Eliezer, R. Yehoshua, and R. Tzado...

GEN932 Once R. Eliezer, R. Yehoshua, and R. Tzadok were seated at the feast of R. Gamliel’s son, and R. Gamliel stood and gave them to drink.   At this, R. Eliezer said to R. Yehoshua: “What is this, Yehoshua?   We are sitting and R. Gamliel b’Rabbi [a title of distinction] is standing over us and giving us to drink!” To this, R. Yehoshua replied: “We find one greater than he who served thus.   Abraham was the greatest man of his generation, and yet it is written of him: ‘And he stood over them.’ Now you may say that they appeared to him as ministering angels, yet the truth is that they appeared to him only as Arabs – and we – R. Gamliel b’Rabbi should not stand over us and give us to drink?” Kiddushin 32b TEMIMAH-GEN 82


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