262 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Vayeira (Genesis 18:1-22:24), Source Book Keys, PLYN GENESIS | 18:2 entrance — GEN894 A person should seek out guests, even in d... GEN894 A person should seek out guests, even in difficult circumstances. As a rule the Torah is extremely concise, but in this section the Torah describes all the small details of Abraham’s behavior with his guests. This, wrote the Chofetz Chayim, is meant to teach us the importance of hachnosas orchim – hospitality to guests. Abraham was very old and had just undergone circumcision. Although he was in great pain, he nevertheless sat by the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day, hoping to see a sojourner whom he could invite to his home. Even if we are unable to emulate Abraham completely, we should at least learn the fundamental principle of appreciate guests. Ahavas Chesed, part 3, ch. 2. Following an operation we might not be able to invite guests as Abraham did. But at least we should learn from Abraham to invite guests even when it is difficult. PLYN 58-9 Share Print Source KeyPLYNVerse18:2Keyword(s)entranceSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 18:1 Mamre — GEN893 The Da’as Z’keinim explains that wh... Previous Article GENESIS | 18:2 greet — GEN895 The stranger in our midst. Allied to the k... Next Article