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GENESIS | 18:1 appeared — GEN887 In Judaism, God is regarded as transcenden...

GEN887 In Judaism, God is regarded as transcendental: “The heavens belong to God: it is the earth that He has given to the children of men.” Psalm 115:16 He is, however, also immanent in that He has prescribed guidance on every aspect of life, intimate and public, holy and secular.   All those qualities that should be most pronounced in human conduct are made to appear conspicuously in our description of the heavenly attributes.  Here is a typical presentation of ethical Judaism in the Talmud. Sotah 14a. “Rabbi Hama, son of Rabbi Hanina, said “What means the text ‘Ye shall walk after the Lord your God’? Deuteronomy 13:5. Is it, then, possible for a human being to walk after the Shechinah?  Has it not been said: ‘For the Lord thy God is a devouring fire’? Deuteronomy 4:24. But (the meaning is) to walk after the attributes of the holy One, blessed be He.” …  God visited the sick, for it is written: And the Lord appeared unto him by the oaks of Mamre,” so do thou also visit the sick.   Since the preceding verses deal with Abraham’s circumcision, it is deduced that the occasion was when he was recovering.   LEHRMAN 6


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