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GENESIS | 17:10 circumcise — GEN876 With ten trials was Abraham our Father ...

GEN876 With ten trials was Abraham our Father proved. Pirkei Avot V:4   “When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him: I am God Almighty; walk before Me, and be whole. [Genesis 17:1] Said the Holy, Blessed One to him: Until now you have not been whole before Me.  Circumcise yourself; then you will walk before Me and be whole.” The physical act of surgery involved, was trial enough for a man of such advanced age. But circumcision is more: it is a sign of the Covenant between the Israelite and the Almighty. [this verse] When a Jewish slave refused to go free from servitude at the end of his six year term, Scripture decrees that he had to have an ear-lobe pierced, as a physical sign of his permanent servitude.   [Exodus 21:6; Deuteronomy 15:17. The Hebrew term for such a slave is eved nirtzah, a “pierced slave” (see e.g. Talmud Kiddushin 17b); it has been suggested, however, to translate it as a “willing slave,” giving nirtzah the meaning it has as the last of the guide words to the Passover seder.] So must the Jew bear an indelible sign testifying that he is a lifelong servant of the Almighty.   After a lifetime of loyalty to the Almighty, Abraham did not question this Divine command, but obeyed – at ninety-nine.   This test too has been bequeathed to the Jewish people to inherit the name, every Jew enters the Covenant of Abraham and imposes it on his children in turn, accepting the ineradicable sign of the corps of Heaven’s own willing servants. In the ranks of Abraham, we bear this testimony that we accept the yoke of the kingdom of Heaven. SINAI3 37


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