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GENESIS | 15:6 merit — GEN839 Great is tzedakah [righteousness or...

GEN839 Great is tzedakah [righteousness or charity] by which the Holy One Blessed be He, is praised when He will bring salvation to the Jews, as it is written Isaiah 63:1: “I speak with tzedakah, might to save.” Great is tzedakah, which confers honor and life upon its practitioners, as it is written Proverbs 21:21: “He who pursues tzedakah and lovingkindness will find life, tzedakah, and honor.” Great is tzedakah, through which the Holy One Blessed be He, is destined to redeem Israel, as it is written Isaiah 1:27  “Zion will be redeemed through justice, and those who return to it, through righteousness” Shabbat 139a. Great is tzedakah, through which our father Abraham was praised s it is written [this verse] and Genesis 18:19: “For I have known him that he might command his children and his household after him to heed the way of Hashem, to do tzedakah and justice.”  TZADIK 313-5.   


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