176 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Lech Lecha (Genesis 12:1–17:27), Source Book Keys, SINAI3 GENESIS | 14:13 dwelling — GEN817 Whoever has within him these three qual... GEN817 Whoever has within him these three qualities, is of the disciples of Abraham our Father; but [if he has] three ‘other” qualities, he is of the disciples of the wicked Balaam. [If one has] as good eye, an humble temperament, and a lowly spirit, [he is] of the disciples of Abraham our Father; [if he has] an evil eye, a haughty temperament, and an insatiable spirit, [he is] of the disciples of Balaam the wicked. What difference lies between the disciples of Abraham our Father and those of Balaam the wicked? The disciple of Abraham our Father eat [enjoy the fruits of their virtue] in the world-to-come; for it is stated, “There is inheritance enough to bestow upon My friends, and their treasuries will I fill.” Proverbs 8:21 But the disciples of Balaam the wicked inherit Gehinnom (purgatory) and descend into the pit of destruction; for it is stated, “and Thou, O God, wilt bring them down into the pit of destruction; men of blood and deceit shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in Thee.” Psalms 55:24. . . Pirkei Avot V:22 Did [Abraham] bear the Holy One an abiding dedicated love? Most certainly: as we learned from an earlier mishnah (4) his was a religious devotion that withstood ten trials, until the Almighty Himself called him “Abraham My friend.” Isaiah 41:8. Was he involved in controversy and conflict only “for the sake of Heaven”? We know how the Midrash interprets Scripture’s title, Abram ha’-ivri (the Hebrew): all the world was at ever ehad, on one side and he at ever aher, on the other side; all the generations worshiped idols, and Abraham arose and separated himself; he would not be like them. [this verse]. From childhood on, he was a non-conformist, working with all his energy to establish and spread his vital, undaunted faith. SINAI3 198-9 Share Print Source KeySINAI3Verse14:13Keyword(s)dwellingSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 14:13 dwelling — GEN816 There were ten generations from Noah to... Previous Article GENESIS | 14:13 Hebrew — GEN818 The first Jew, Abraham, was called a Hebre... Next Article