161 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Lech Lecha (Genesis 12:1–17:27), Source Book Keys, GATES GENESIS | 13:13 sinners — GEN805 … one is obligated to observe and understa... GEN805 … one is obligated to observe and understand children, and to distinguish between one who is perverse and warped (Deuteronomy 32:5) and one who goes upright--all of this for an exalted purpose ... [presumably, to protect one's children from negative influences (see Zeh Hasha'ar)].When you see gluttonous people who disregard the need to wash their hands before meals, who sit and eat bread without reciting the brachach [blessing] before and after the meal, (Grace after Meals is derived from the Torah Deuteronomy 8:10) and flout the restrictions of many other such Rabbinic rulings and enactments – through this they can be appraised, and through this you will be able to know and discern their ways, tor they re exceedingly evil and sinful towards Hashem [this verse] and their end will be eternal ruin Numbers 24:20. It is in respect to these that the Sages said: “Anyone who violates a Rabbinic ruling is punishable with death.” This is because these actions are not forced by one’s yetzer – these people are not swayed to sin as a result of their earthiness, through their physical desire. They emerge solely from one’s evil disposition and the desire to throw off the yoke of Heaven from their necks. Indeed, they are like the throng of that class of evil-doers who say to God: “Leave us alone; we have no desire to know Your ways.” Job 21:14. These, too, are far from the way of truth. GATES 169-171 Share Print Source KeyGATESVerse13:13Keyword(s)sinnersSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 13:10 before — GEN804 Both Judaism and the secularists make use ... Previous Article GENESIS | 13:13 sinners — GEN806 “evil” to each other; “sinful” through adu... Next Article