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GENESIS | 12:5 acquired — GEN778 [Regarding] the poor in intelligence – the...

GEN778 [Regarding] the poor in intelligence – the person who has no Torah education – the more fortunate person should consider ways to attract him to the Torah.  This is certainly of paramount importance.  As the Talmud puts it Baba Metzia 85a: “R. Shumel b. Nachmani said in the name of R. Yonathan: Whoever teaches his friend’s son Torah becomes worthy of sitting in the heavenly Academy.” Chazal stated further Sanhedrin 99b: “Resh Lakish said: “Whoever teaches his friend’s son Torah is regarded by Scripture as if he created him…” On the Mishnaic dictim Avot 1:12: “Love people and bring them near to Torah,” Avot deRabbi Nathan has this to day (Chap. 12): “One should bend men and lead them under the wings of the Shechinah in the way that Abraham our father used to make men bend, and then lead them under the wings of the Shechinah … as it says [this verse]: “And the souls that they had made in Haran.”” One should be aroused to the same degree of compassion for such people as of he had seen someone naked without anything to wear. Indeed how shall that unfortunate clothe his soul in the upper world, if he is so bare of Torah and Mitzvoth?  AHAVCH 222


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