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GENESIS | 11:5 see — GEN758 We should not condemn people without a pro...

GEN758 We should not condemn people without a proper investigation. Rashi cites the Midrash Tanchuma which states that the Almighty did not actually need to come down to view the tower.  He did so in order to teach judges not to condemn anyone until they investigate and understand the entire situation.  In a broad sense, there is a lesson here for everyone, not only for judges of a court. For we are all judges  -- we all judge the actions of others.  Let us not condemn anyone the basis of hearsay or circumstantial evidence.  We must view a person favorably unless we have carefully investigated the matter and have established beyond a doubt that he is guilty of the charges against him. (Bais Yechezkail, vol. 1, p. 373)  PLYN 42-3


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