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GENESIS | 11:1 same — GEN749 Long before there was a Jewish people, the...

GEN749 Long before there was a Jewish people, the importance of individually was stressed in the Torah, according to the Seforno commentary (on Genesis 11:6).  In the story of the Tower of Babel, the Torah, in [this verse], twice mentions the “oneness” of the people. Most commentaries explain this as a positive characteristic, unity, as possibly the one redeeming value that prevented them from being destroyed like the generation of Noah. (See Rashi commentary on Genesis 11:9).  Seforno, however, explains the Torah’s use of this phrase as highlighting their sin.  Their very “oneness,” says Seforno, shows that they were part of a dictatorship society where they were unable to explore ideas as individuals.  This was the sin of that society – the prevention of individual thinking.  Without individual thought, they could not possibly come to properly understand the notion of God.  In their fitting punishment, then, the separation of the people into many languages and cultures, God is telling the people of the world that they must view life as individuals and not immediately conform to the ideas of others.  AMEMEI 122


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