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GENESIS | 9:19 wine — GEN736 In the scriptures and in rabbinic sources,...

GEN736 In the scriptures and in rabbinic sources, there are actually many negative comments about the use of win.  The Torah Leviticus 10:8-11 prohibits any priest from drinking wine prior to partaking in any aspect of the Temple service.  Various statements in the Proverbs disparage drinking win.  Wine will make a person arrive late. Proverbs 23:30. Wine will cause a person to mock others. Proverbs 20:1.  Drinking wine will cause a person to become poor (from a habit?) Proverbs 21:17. Wine will pervert a person’s judgment. Proverbs 31:4-5.  According to a number of opinions, the reason the sons of Aaron the High Priest were killed by God Leviticus 10:1-2 was because they entered the sanctuary drunk. Leviticus Rabbah 12.  In a fascinating midrash Tanchuma, Noach 13 the story of Noah’s drunken episode, recorded in Genesis 9:20-24, is amplified.  The midrash records a dialogue between Noah and Satan about the positive and negative effects of wine.  Satan slaughters a sheep, lion, pig, and monkey in the vineyard and uses their blood to grow the grapes.  The midrash ends by saying that when a person first starts to drink, he or she is like s sheep.  Then as the drunk progresses, a person feels like a lion.  A little later, the person is like a pig who wallows in the dirt.  Finally, a person becomes like a monkey that dances foolishly before people.  This is what occurred to Noah, whom the Torah had praised as a righteous person, indicating the negative influence of wine even on a righteous person.  On the other hand, there are sources that indicate that wine is good for man.  The Psalms say that wine gladdens the heart of man. Psalms 104:15. Wine has the ability to satisfy like a full mean. Berachot 35b. After revealing to the brothers who he was, Joseph sent back gifts to his father; one of the gifts sent, called “from the best of Egypt, Genesis 45:23, was wine.  Wine was even used as a medicine to heal. Baba Batra 58b.  What, then, is the true Jewish attitude to wine?  It seems clear that Judaism is in favor of drinking wine if it is done in moderation only.  AMEMEI 59


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