149 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Noach (Genesis 6:9-11:32), Source Book Keys, COHON GENESIS | 9:6 shed — GEN720 Suicide under any other circumstances [i.e... GEN720 Suicide under any other circumstances [i.e., other than martyrdom to avoid apostasy, incest and murder] is condemned as a form of murder. Lamentations Rabbah 1:17, ed. Buber, pp. 81-82; Gittin 57b. [Among the causes that have made for the rapid growth of suicide (this text published 1948-AJL), the decay of religious faith undoubtedly plays a leading role. Dr. Elwood Worcester expresses the conviction of religious people of all creeds that “When God goes out of a man’s life, hope and courage, fortitude in adversity, and a sense of responsibility are apt to go with Him.” Body, Mind and Spirit, p. 188. A crime whether against oneself or one’s fellow man is an offense against God. See Sefer Hasidim, ed. Wistinetzki, 174-175. “Surely,” the priestly writer declares in the name of God, [this and preceding verse].” … R. Akiba deduced from the verses of Genesis that “Whoever sheds blood is regarded as if he has diminished the Divine image. What is the reason for inflicting capital punishment upon one who killed his fellow man? Because man has been made in the image of God.” Murder is an affront to holiness, for which one forfeits his right to the enjoyment of the Divine gift of life. Genesis Rabbah 34:13-14; Yebamot 63b; Tos. Yeb. 8:5; Yalkut Shimeoni, Samuel, 134; Targum Jonathan. COHON 158-9 Share Print Source KeyCOHONVerse9:6Keyword(s)shedSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 9:6 in — GEN717 It was taught in the name of R. Yishmael: ... Previous Article GENESIS | 9:6 shed — GEN721 The death penalty is first stated in [this... Next Article