151 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Noach (Genesis 6:9-11:32), Source Book Keys, ROSNER-BLEICH GENESIS | 9:6 in — GEN715 Feticide … is expressly forbidden under th... GEN715 Feticide … is expressly forbidden under the statues of the Noachide Code. The Noachide prohibition is derived by R. Ishmael Sanhedrin 57b from the wording of [this verse]. Rendering this verse as “Whoso sheddeth the blood of man, within man shall his blood be shed,” rather than “Whoso sheddeth the blood of man, by man [i.e., through a human court] shall his blood be shed, R. Ishmael queries, “Who is a man within a man? … A fetus within the womb of them other.” Tosafot deduces that this practice is prohibited to Jews as well by virtue of the Talmudic principle, “Is there anything which is forbidden to a Noachide yet permitted to a Jew?” Application of this principle clearly establishes a Biblical prohibition. (Continued at [[LEV950]] Leviticus 24:21 human ROSNER-BLEICH 137) ROSNER 135-6 Share Print Source KeyROSNER-BLEICHVerse9:6Keyword(s)inSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 9:6 in — GEN718 See [[LEV423]] Leviticus 19:14 stumbling b... Previous Article GENESIS | 9:6 in — GEN717 It was taught in the name of R. Yishmael: ... Next Article