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GENESIS | 9:5 beast — GEN684 In some instances the Pentateuch prescribe...

GEN684 In some instances the Pentateuch prescribes the death sentence for animals. Thus we read: “If an ox gore a man or a woman that they die, the ox shall surely be stoned and its flesh shall not be eaten.” Exodus 21:28  This, of course, should not be interpreted as retribution or punishment, but as the removal of a man-killer so as to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy. Indeed, rabbinic interpretation held that the animal could be executed only where it could be shown before a duly constituted court that the animal had killed intentionally. Sanhedrin 1:4, Baba Kamma 24a; see also Ramban on this verse. Thus Judaism insisted that animals be treated with justice as well as with compassion. SPERO 156


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