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GENESIS | 9:4 life-blood — GEN682 The process of creation underscores the un...

GEN682 The process of creation underscores the unity and holiness of all life, for the Creator blessed the so-called lower orders of creation in words identical with the benediction pronounced upon the human race in [Genesis 1:28] One of the ethical consequences of th[e] insight into our unity with the animal world is the horror at inflicting unnecessary pain upon them.  At the one end of the spectrum is the prevention of cruelty to animals, for which the rabbis coined the poignant phrase, “the pain of the living creatures.” At the other end of the spectrum is the doctrine of vegetarianism, the avoidance of the use of animals for food.  Though espoused by a small minority, vegetarianism has excellent biblical warrant in its favor.  In verse [Genesis] 29, God permits only the eating of fruits and vegetables.  Not until Noah emerges from the Ark after the Flood are he and his descendants allowed to eat meat, with the proviso that blood is not to be ingested [this verse].  The pouring out of the blood after the slaughter of an animal for food is enjoined by biblical law (Leviticus 17:13-14), since blood is the seat of life.  The act constitutes a symbolic sacrifice, a recognition that all life is sacred. GORLAW 71-2


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