226 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Noach (Genesis 6:9-11:32), Source Book Keys, EHRMAN GENESIS | 7:8 not — GEN618 The Sages pointed out that in several plac... GEN618 The Sages pointed out that in several places the Torah speaks in a long-winded fashion in order to each us to use refined speech. In telling the story of the flood, the Torah speaks of certain animals as being “not clean” rather than tamei [this verse] to each us never to unnecessarily speak in a slighting manner – even of an unclean animal. JOURNEY 152 Share Print Source KeyEHRMANVerse7:8Keyword(s)notSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 7:1 righteous — GEN616 One should not praise a person excessively... Previous Article GENESIS | 7:8 not clean — GEN620 See [[EXOD1062]] Exodus 35:13 showbread GA... Next Article