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GENESIS | 6:5 plan — GEN562 Since it is clear that man fails to live u...

GEN562 Since it is clear that man fails to live up to his obligations, it was strictly out of grace that the Creator, in His love and compassion for man, gave him the ability to correct his error and make up the loss in his service, by repenting and returning to Him.  He then emphasized its importance and gave assurances concerning it, through His servants, the prophets.  He allows us wide-ranging excuses when we stray from the path of His service, and has promised to accept [our repentance] and quickly favor us, even if we have long defied His word and violated His covenant, as He clearly stated in the passage that says, “When a wicked man turns from his wickedness and executes justice and righteousness, because of these he will live’ Ezekiel 33:19.  DUTIES 605-7


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