172 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), Source Book Keys, AMJV GENESIS | 4:22 implements — GEN521 As society developed implements and tools ... GEN521 As society developed implements and tools for working the land and musical instruments, one person, Tuval Kayin, forged sharp instruments out of bronze and iron, which Rashi says were weapons made for murderers to kill people. Thus, the first human weapons were made in order to hurt individuals and kill human beings, not essentially different from the guns and other weapons that are manufactured to kill people today. Needless to say, the Rabbis did not look upon this invention as a positive development for mankind. Nachmanides expands on this story and says that Lemech, the great-great-grandson of Cain, was very smart and inventive. He had three sons and he taught each one a unique skill and anew trade in the world. His oldest son perfected how to herd animals, the middle son perfected musical instruments, and the youngest son, Tuval Kayin, perfected weapon making. When Lemech’s wives were afraid that Lemech would be punished for introducing weapons into the world, especially for his son who was named after the first murderer in the world, Kayin (Cain), Lemech, according to Nachmanides, gave the answer that is still given today by manufacturers of weapons who do not want to assume any responsibility for deaths and destruction that takes place as a result of using these weapons. He said, “The weapons do not kill people. People kill people.” As is the case today, this argument did not hold water with most people or with God. AMJV 120 Share Print Source KeyAMJVVerse4:22Keyword(s)implementsSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 4:16 left — GEN520 The Jewish way to expiation for sin is rem... Previous Article GENESIS | 4:23 slain — GEN522 In the Code of Hammurabi compensation for ... Next Article