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GENESIS | 4:13 too — GEN516 This is the meaning of Cain’s plea [this v...

GEN516 This is the meaning of Cain’s plea [this verse]: ‘My sin is too great to bear,’ interpreted by our Rabbis of blessed memory [Genesis Rabbah 22:11, Yalkut, Gen. 38, where the wording is ‘Thou bearest those above and below.” C. ["C." reference unknown - AJL] interprets this as referring to the destroying angel] as: ‘Thou bearest (that is to say, Thou nourisheth and sustaineth) the whole world; is my sin so heavy that thou canst not bear it (that is, sustain it until I repent)?’  This is the greatest quality of tolerance, that He nourishes and sustains the evil creature brought into being by the sinner until the latter repents. From which a man should learn the degree of patience in bearing his neighbor’s yoke and the evils done by his neighbor even when those evils still exists. So that even when his neighbor offends he bears with him until the wrong is righted or until it vanishes of its own accord and so forth.  CORDOVERO 48-50


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