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GENESIS | 4:7 master — GEN477 Regard as important the very smallest of y...

GEN477 Regard as important the very smallest of your victories over [the yetzer hara], the slightest increase of your power over it, so that this be for you a step to a greater victory. For [the evil inclination] will be quick to obey you and will not stand up to you when you stand up to it, as [the verse] says: “Its obedience is unto you, and you may rule over it.”  Accordingly, do not be daunted by it, through its armies be mighty; do not be afraid of it, though its supporters be many.  For its chief intent is to make truth out of falsehood; its main purpose is to uphold untruth.  How soon comes its fall, how swiftly its ruin, if you will be realize its weakness.  DUTIES 487


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