241 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), Source Book Keys, DORFF-RUTTENBERGSOC GENESIS | 3:21 clothed — GEN433 Rabbi Samlai taught: The Torah opens with ... GEN433 Rabbi Samlai taught: The Torah opens with acts of kindness and closes with acts of kindness. It opens with acts of kindness, as it is written: “The Lord God made leather cloaks for Adam and his wife, and clothed them” [this verse]. It closes with acts of kindness, as it is written: “And he buried him in the valley” Deuteronomy 34:6 Babylonian Talmud, Sotah 14a (By Uzi Weingarten and the Editors) DORFF-RUTTENBERGSOC 5 Share Print Source KeyDORFF-RUTTENBERGSOCVerse3:21Keyword(s)clothedSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 3:21 clothed — GEN438 When you have reason to have a personal gr... Previous Article GENESIS | 3:21 clothed — GEN434 Rabbi Simlai states in Sotah 14a: “... Next Article