237 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), Source Book Keys, GATES GENESIS | 3:18 thorns — GEN413 [Man] is comparable to a field possessing ... GEN413 [Man] is comparable to a field possessing poor soil; with all the effort to improve it and with all the toil in cultivating it, the field will [still] produce [only] a small amount of grain. Yet, if no effort is put into its improvement, it will not sprout or raise up any sort of vegetation; only thorns and thistles will grow. Just sowing the field, without any effort at its cultivation, is beneficial only by a field rich in soil. GATES 149 Share Print Source KeyGATESVerse3:18Keyword(s)thornsSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 3:18 thorns — GEN412 “My business is in an extremely competi... Previous Article GENESIS | 3:19 bread — GEN414 Where there is no flour [bread] there i... Next Article