180 Torah Book & Portion, Book of Genesis, Bereishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), Source Book Keys, TELVOL1 GENESIS | 3:12 You — GEN392 The inclination to deny responsibility for... GEN392 The inclination to deny responsibility for wrongs we have committed is deeply rooted. Always try to acknowledge your responsibility and, above all, refrain from blaming others. After all, if you deserve praise for the good you do, don’t you deserve criticism for the wrong? It is also vital not to point out faults in whoever is rebuking you, since this is irrelevant. It is also a common temptation. Rabbi Tarfon noted how common it was for people to respond defensively: “If one says to another, ‘Remove the chip of wood from between your eyes,’ the other responds, “Remove the log from between your eyes’” Arachin 16b TELVOL 1:393 Share Print Source KeyTELVOL1Verse3:12Keyword(s)YouSource Page(s)(See end of excerpt) Switch article GENESIS | 3:12 she — GEN391 The tragedy of man’s initial sin lies not ... Previous Article GENESIS | 3:12 you — GEN393 The Rabbis taught: “Adam was an ingrate, a... Next Article