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GENESIS | 3:6 ate — GEN366 Our Link With God – The Soul.  Judaism is ...

GEN366 Our Link With God – The Soul.  Judaism is emphatic that man was created pure, untainted by “original sin.” This is the profession he makes at the commencement of the daily morning prayers when he exclaims: “O my God, the soul which Thou gavest me is pure.” Berachot 60b  It is this soul, the spark of divine fire which man carries with hi, that links him to God. In some, this celestial light may be dimmed by sin; in others, almost extinguished by depravity of outlook or corruption of deed. Realizing that the character of a life largely depends on the care bestowed by the individual to keep his soul unstained; knowing that it is of man’s own freewill that he becomes a sinner, Jewish ethics are tireless in insisting that it the soul, of all forces the mainspring, that raises man above mere  animal existence. …  Freedom of Will rejects the doctrine of “original sin”. That is the crown of Jewish ethical thought. The disobedience of Adam [this verse] [is not to the contrary]. … The Torah is adamant in the contention that despite the sensuous nature of man, he should be able to subdue his evil inclination. Far from being harsh, such a demand is virtually a compliment. Just because Judaism credits its adherents with the moral strength requir4ed to master their sinful disposition is temptation oft placed their way. Should this at first be difficult of achievement, it will fill him with the resolve to make amends and vow never to fall again.  LEHRMAN 156-7


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