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GENESIS | 2:22 brought — GEN318 It is a mitzvah to bring joy to a chasa...

GEN318 It is a mitzvah to bring joy to a chasan (groom) and kallah (bride) at their wedding. Talmud, Berachos 6b; Kesubos 17aWhen Hashem created Adam and Chavah in the Garden of Eden, He brought Chavah to Adam with joy, so that they should rejoice with each other. [this verse, Berachot 61a] This is an obligatory mitzvah of kindness. One may interrupt one’s Torah study in order to bring rejoicing to a couple. Kesubot 17a. When a wedding procession passed, Rabbi Yehudah would interrupt his Torah studies and go with his students to dance for the bride and bring the couple joy.  JOURNEY 533


Source KeyEHRMAN
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