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GENESIS | 2:18 not — GEN310 [Continued from [[GEN195]] 1:31 GOODSOC 4]...

GEN310 [Continued from [[GEN195]] 1:31 GOODSOC 4] The second account of creation sees man in a very special light, as a truly human being, separate from the rest of nature.  Here the Bible no longer says what it had regularly said about the rest of creation, "Behold it was good.” Instead, it offers a judgment on man’s condition and terms it lo tov, “not good” [this verse]. What was “not good” was man’s lack of human companionship.  As man he could not be fully satisfied by communion with the rest of nature.  Elevated and thus alienated from the other creatures, he was placed in a position of exploitation and manipulation vis-à-vis nature.  With non-human nature he could not form genuine relationships.  Only society can satisfy man’s craving for relating to someone outside himself; thus woman was created.  The bond between husband and wife thus offers a model for all human relationships.  GOODSOC 4


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